Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Month of giving thanks!

 31 Reasons I’m Thankful That I’m a Thirty-One Consultant…

This is the month of giving thanks, and I can attest that being a Thirty-One Consultant has been a wonderful decision that brings so many rewards! Our Home Office asked our Consultants…”Why are you thankful to be a Thirty-One Consultant?” and here are ‘31 Reasons’ straight from our Consultants’ hearts!  See for yourself why joining my team might be something YOU’D want to do. I’d love to hear from you!

1. Katrina Danielle Beckham - I started Thirty-One right after I moved to a town where I knew NO ONE! Now I have made several friends through women who already sold Thirty-One, and I am so blessed because I have gotten the chance to branch out and meet wonderful people!

2. Robin Knight - My dream has always been to be a wife and mom, and because of Thirty-One I can do that even better. I stay home with my little girl and I have been able to pay our mortgage every month since I began, and now I can pay even more than that.

3. Erin Pitzer Kramer - With the extra income I have earned from Thirty-One, my family was able to afford some GREAT family pictures this fall that I will treasure forever!

4. Lynnette Boyce - I am blessed that I will find a way to pay medical bills that were getting overwhelming.

5. Jill Carnell Matthews - My daughter and I will be taking a trip to NYC, thanks to Thirty-One!

6. Gina Odle-Mortimer - After 10 years of marriage, I was able to help financially with the purchase of our very first home!

7. Kari Shumaker - I was hoping for income to help my family but I got so much more. Watching ladies grow in their faith has been biggest blessing!

8. Becky Jones Garner - Thirty-One has replaced my full-time income and has given me the opportunity to be debt free by Spring...and stay home with my kids!

9. Amy Lynn Nicely - I have been able to make payments on my new van and some extras along the way!

10. Sarah Colton While - my husband was deployed overseas, Thirty-One kept my mind focused on something rather than the strifes of deployment, and it helped me form bonds and relationships with other women who are involved in this wonderful company as well!

11. Shelley Haynes Heile - Thirty One has literally changed my life. When I became a Consultant in August 2009, I was getting up at 4am to get to my first job. (I had three at the time) My husband had lost his job and we were struggling to figure out what we were going to do. Fast forward…I am a Senior Director and I absolutely LOVE my job. Thirty Minutes a day truly DID change my business. I no longer have to worry about the house payment!

12. Jordan Gallagher - I joined Thirty-One in July I would have some extra cash for college. I didn't realize that I would love it so much and be as successful as I am! It's a great feeling knowing I do not have to bug my parents for money like my friends do (smile!) Thirty-One has shaped me into a responsible and confident college student.

13. Lynn Rasmussen Pfost - I had no idea the joy I would be bringing into my life! Of course, it helped meet my financial needs, by allowing us to pay off some medical debt we had from having a sick child, but it has done so much more than that! I have met some incredible women. I have watched Thirty-One change their lives!

14.Kimberly Reeves - Thirty-one started out for me as a fun part time job. It has turned into such a blessing for my family! It has allowed our family to take vacations, and to pay for those extra things that come up!

15. Heidi McLarry Gray - Thirty-One has brought me and my family closer with God. My husband and I were having marital problems when I went to conference this year. As Scott Monroe spoke at opening ceremonies, I began to feel God working on me. I knew there were so many areas that I needed to work on and my place was at home with my family and at church. We have begun to rebuild our lives and reprioritize everything for the glory of God.

16. April Rice - Now that I'm able to stay home and save the money on daycare we will be bringing another sweet baby girl home in about 19 days!

17. Dottie Linkous Burris - I have met GREAT women and been able to only work part time and stay at home with my three kids - I so love my Thirty-One family!

18. Melanie Altman Airington - I have been able to donate 10% of my earnings to the arthritis foundation in honor of my mother.

19. Lissette Ramirez Mejia - Thirty-One has opened the door for me...when the corporate world closed theirs. I have many goals and one is not to return to the corporate world and hope Thirty-One will provide the financial stability my family needs.

20. Alison Endicott Wilson - I am so thankful for the renewed friendships, the extra income to do other things, the gathering of everyone at the parties.. that is my favorite.. I love being around everyone and having a wonderful time together.

21. Melissa Fasoldt Walaitis - I joined in April 2010 to help stabilize our family income in this economy. Since then, I have been able to buy my husband a new truck and make the payments on it by myself. But my biggest joy is the true friendships with other Consultants.

22.Stephanie Carter Joseph - Never have I been in a job where everyone was so supportive and encouraging. I love seeing the girls on my team make a difference in their household finances, promote in their business, and earn loads of extras along the way!

23.Rachel Sauers Wojtylko - I joined in Jan. 2010. Thirty-One was exactly what I needed. I had owned my own business and it was destroyed by the down turn in the economy. I needed to feel successful & confident again and be able to contribute to the family budget. The joy and income Thirty-One has brought me far exceeded my expectations. Now I have the pleasure of seeing it transform my team's lives too.

24.Tricia Payne Dewar - Within 6 months of joining, I had more friends than I'd ever had in my entire life. I didn't realize how lonely I was before Thirty-One...I was so wrapped up in my kids’ lives that I didn't have any room for friends. It's given me so much more than financial benefits, it's given me self-esteem and the knowledge to know that I CAN be successful.
25. Tammy White - I have developed new relationships and strengthened old ones. The financial blessings are an added bonus. My husband is a pastor and we've never had "extra" money to save, or do something special with and now thanks to my growing Thirty-One business we do!

26. Kim Knutson Sander - In just one year I have met hundreds of amazing women, who I am thankful to call my friends. I have gained self-confidence & I am now working towards quitting my full time job to be more available to my family (which has been a dream of mine for as long as I can remember)!

27. Becky Parsons Westbrook - Last month I made as much money selling Thirty-One as I do at my part-time job. God is GOOD!

28. Tara Hawkins - I needed some extra money and was looking at getting a night job, so I could still be at home with my boys. I love being able to go to a party and hang out with the ladies there and know I am helping the Hostess earn free merchandise -- and secretly getting some free girl time and earning money.

29. Angela Bowe - I know that God brought me to Thirty-One for various reasons, but the one thing I got almost right away that I was so excited about was a DSLR camera that I had never been able to afford. I have wanted one for years so this was so exciting!

30. Carolyn Tremblay Jones - I have a deep personal connection to the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society, and over the past 6 years have raised close to $25,000 for research and patient services.

31. Denise Bowman Fletcher - I bought a horse for my daughter from my income from sales!! Life is good

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